Are you considering keeping your lost loved one’s cremains at home after their cremation service in Washington Crossing, PA? Many people choose to keep their lost loved one’s cremains at home because they want to keep them close even in death or because they want to honor and preserve the memory of their lost loved one’s life in the comfort of their own home.
But how do you keep cremains at home? Start with these tips for inspiration and guidance.
You can try memorial shelves or keeping them in a closet. You can purchase a shelf with a hidden compartment for the cremains so you can keep them out and about in a non-obvious way. Many people choose to display photos or keepsakes of the deceased on the memorial shelf. Many people choose to keep their loved one’s cremains on a shelf in a closet as it may be simply too painful to display them in a prominent place as a reminder of the loss. What about glass art? Many artisans will infuse cremains into glass and then use that glass to create art. From sculptures to paperweights, the small amount of cremains is forever housed between layers of melted glass and different colors of your choosing. You can also keep their cremains in a cremation urn. There are many urns to choose from, from large and ornate to small and minimalist. There are also urns in almost every price point, making it easy for you to find one that works with your budget.
There are also memorial plants and teddy bear urns. Use the cremains as fertilizer for a tree or other plant that you can keep in your home. This is a wonderful way to keep the memory of your lost loved one alive and growing for years to come. Teddy bear urns are soft teddy bears with compartments inside to house cremated remains. Many people choose teddy bear urns if they’d like to cuddle the cremains as a way of soothing themselves and mourning the loss of their loved one.
You can also make cremation jewelry or cremation paintings. Cremation jewelry uses small amounts of the cremains and turns them into a precious gem you can wear as jewelry. Another type of cremation jewelry features a small compartment in a locket, bracelet, or other jewelry item in which you can keep a small portion of the cremains so they’re always close to you. An artist can mix gels, oils, acrylics, or watercolors with your loved one’s cremated remains and produce a beautiful work of art. The art can be a portrait of your lost loved one or a simple painting of something that symbolizes their life or has some significance to you and their memory.
We are here to offer our expertise if you want more tips on keeping cremains at home or need more information on Washington Crossing, PA cremation services. Call or visit us today to learn more about what we can do for you in your time of loss or preplanning.